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DST NIDHI-PRAYAS : Grant Support for Idea to Prototype

The lack of support for early stage prototyping causes many innovators / startups to lose interest in their technology ventures.

To address the gap in the very early stage idea/ proof of concept funding, under the National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing the Innovations (NIDHI) the National Science & Technology Entepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India launched the NIDHI-PRAYAS program.

The NIDHI - PRomoting and Accelerating Young and ASpiring technology entrepreneurs (NIDHI-PRAYAS), the scheme launched  is a pre-incubation initiative, specifically supports young innovators turn their ideas into proof-of-concepts. This support shall allow the innovators to try their ideas without fear of failure, allowing them to reach a stage where the innovators / entrepreneurs have a ready product and are willing to approach incubators for commercialization.

Quantum of Assistance :

The maximum grant support extent to Innovator/Incubatee is Rs.10.00 lakhs.